The Common Law Association of Notaries (C.L.A.N.)
an experienced organisation with a drive for ongoing relevance and innovation
Our goal is to strive to achieve our Objectives as identified here
We are very focussed on providing value for our Notariat, and Associate, Members.
Our Members benefit in the following ways
Notariats being either existing members or joining C.L.A.N. will benefit as organisations, and provide added value to their members by:
- Widening the cross border professional horizons for their Notary members by having the opportunity of accessing a wide range of resources and information;
- Fostering a robust cross border framework of professional cooperation with other Notariats;
- Exchanging practice information and regulatory guidance thereby enhancing and developing common cross border standards of professional practice;
- Engaging in joint initiatives designed for the advancement of the office of Public Notary, both domestically, and internationally;
- Enjoying the right to use the Common Law Association of Notaries (C.L.A.N.) logo for themselves and for their members. The logo represents the participating Notariats’ and their/Associate members’ commitment to internationally recognised and common high standards of professional excellence; and
- Enjoying the right to distribute among their Notary members “Notary World”, the regular C.L.A.N. electronic newsletter.
Individual Notaries (Associates): being existing members, or joining C.L.A.N. will benefit by:
- Receiving, free of charge “Notary World” on a regular basis. This electronic publication is full of interesting articles written by Notary practitioners covering a wide range of topics;
- Having the opportunity to access a variety of webinars and the courses detailed, designed to help members gain a mutual professional understanding of notarial practice in different countries;
- Having the opportunity to exchange practice information and legal know-how with members at home and abroad;
- Meeting like-minded professionals with common interests and promoting dialogue with Notaries within common law jurisdictions throughout the world; and
- Enjoying the right to use the Common Law Association of Notaries (C.L.A.N.) logo for themselves on their websites, marketing material and letterheads.
Membership of C.L.A.N is structured in accordance with the following diagram