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Notaries’ Society of South Australia Inc. joins as a new full Notariat member
It gives me much pleasure to announce that the Notaries’ Society of South Australia Inc. has recently joined us as a new Notariat member and consequently Roy Hasda of South
President’s Message 2021
I bring you warm greetings from New Zealand where I live and recently the Directors held an excellent meeting by Zoom. A number of positive initiatives are being developed including
Notary World September 2021
Editor’s Note This issue marks the 6th issue of Notary World, and my first as Editor. I accepted the role with mild timidity due not only to consciousness of my relatively
Notary World April 2021
President’s Statement My statement in the previous issue of Notary World commented upon COVID-19 and the impact it has had all around the world. Many countries and in particular the
Notary World September 2020
President’s Statement Covid-19 has impacted all of us around the world and especially so in common law countries. As I write this Auckland is in its second lockdown which will
Notary World March 2020
President’s Statement It is with great pleasure that I was elected as President of CLAN in March 2020. Leo Mangan has done a tremendous job as President during the past