I bring you warm greetings from New Zealand where I live and recently the Directors held an excellent meeting by Zoom. A number of positive initiatives are being developed including expansion of our membership base.
Hopefully you have seen our e-publication Notary World and anyone who wishes to contribute an article should send it to our Secretary at [email protected].
Notarial practice is always changing and notaries worldwide must be on the lookout for any suspicious documents and passports. In relation to membership, we would very much like to have members from Jersey, Guernsey, Canada and the West Indies. I am looking after Australia and New Zealand.
The Board is currently developing and finalising its Business Plan so any constructive and helpful comments would be appreciated – again please send them to our Secretary.
With the amount of commerce being transacted throughout the world, there is an increased demand for notarial services, notwithstanding COVID-19. It is essential to maintain high standards in all aspects of notarial practice.
Stewart Germann
March 2021